29,90 €
Standard Time runs on your computer. The software supplied automatically synchronises the 24h film file with the system time of your computer. Standard Time can be used as a freely scalable clock display on your Desktop or as a screensaver.
An additional personal download code is included inside the DVD packaging. Enter Download Code here
System requirements:
Standard Time High Definition (HD). Compatible with all Windows versions from Windows XP (Service Pack 2) and for Mac from OS 10.6.4.

Order Now
200 € - 500 €
Standard Time HD Version shown in exhibitions or Galleries
200 € up to 2 weeks
500 € up to 2 months
Access to a direct downloadfile or a harddrive or the DVD including the HD Version plus the standard time software, described above.
System requirements described above
In mid of 2021 there will be a premium 4K version available
Please contact us for terms and pricing.

Get in contact
150 €- 5000 €
Standard Time HD Version in a commercial surrounding
150 € lectures / presentations
800 € on smaller tabletop displays not bigger than an IPad
for example: reception desks, counterdesks
1200 € Computer Screensavers up to 10 computer
2000 € Computer Screensavers up to 20 computer
5000 € Permanent usage in entrance halls, malls / all commercial areas/.
all sorts of Waiting Areas (like trainstations or at the doctor)
Access to a downloadfile or a harddrive including the HD Version & the standard time software, described above.
System requirements described above
In mid of 2021 there will be a premium 4K version available
Please contact us for terms and pricing.
If you consider to realize the 24 hour performance please contact the artist Mark Formanek directly in a recommended way by write him a letter explaining your request.
Mark Formanek
10405 Berlin
Any other questions:
Stephanie Alisch / Datenstrudel
Karl Marx Str. 12043 Berlin
+ 49 30 28095813

Get in contact